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Name : Henry Dang     Date : 2016-12-06    Hit : 1352    
Title  Unable to check order status
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I tried to check my order status, but in the email address field it cuts right off before the .com.

For an example: my email address is, but the email address field will not let me type any further after gmail. This makes it that it's impossible for me to check my order status.

Order number is 3RNXXXXXXXXXXX44M
admin   Dear customer

I hope you are doing great today.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to assist you.
We used to have a character limit for email address field.
We've improved our system and have 20-character limit for email address field now.
Order number 3RNXXXXXXXXXXX44M is not valid order number. (I think the number is paypal transaction ID)
As checking up on your email address that starts with "henry.viet", I found the latest order that was placed on Dec 6th (KST).
Rest assured that we got your order and payment successfully and whole email address is included in shipping information.
I will email you to inform the order number.
If you feel that you have any further query regarding the same issue, please feel free to reply to this message.

Thank you for your time. Have a good day~!

Best Regards

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