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Name : Admin     Date : 2017-02-14    Hit : 1577 
Title  An Important Announcement About Product and Model Images.

All the product images in Theleesshop are copyrighted with all rights reserved.

Please kindly take note that all the product images in Theleesshop cannot be used without permission.

Theleesshop lands violator with burden and responsibility for the unauthorized usage of all the product images of Theleesshop.

Recently, model images have also been added to some of the product detail pages besides pre-existing product images.

The model images are bound by a contract including an agreement saying that they can only be used here in Theleesshop as the model signed a contract with Theleesshop based on the agreement.

Thus, even for people who purchase Theleesshop's product images for their own use, please kindly be informed that model images cannot be used outside of Theleesshop.

All responsibilities of unauthorized usage of model images belong to the user, and all consequences that follow belong to the user as well.
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  [ Now ] An Important Announcement About Product and Model Images.
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