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Name : Ethrun     Date : 2015-08-16    Hit : 596    
Title  (ILJ418)
Best looking jeans I\'ve seen so far. I\'m willing to make the investment but will it fot me? I am 5\'6\". 160lbs. I can\'t quite understand the sizing chart, it seems that theyre all too small. So I wanted to confirm if there are or arent any that will fit me. Thanks.
Admin   Good day!

Thank you for the message.
I would like to inform you that in regards with jeans, we usually suggest the size based on the waist of the buyer.
So for example you are size 25, we will suggest that you get the same size however,
we still strongly advise our buyers to check the size chart we provided for each item which is located under the INFO&CARE section of the item.
This will give you a further reference about the size measurements of the item
especially the item's LENGTH and other measurements to avoid any problem in fitting.

We are hoping that you could check out the size chart of the item and compare your measurements with the measurements given for each item.

For any other concerns, please feel free to contact us again.
Thank you so much for the interest in our items and Have a great day!

Best Regards,
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